Iterator Pattern

Traverse a container and access the container's elements. The iterator pattern decouples algorithm from containers.

主要是call next 的时候,iterator如果现在不valid,需要往前走看是不是valid,但这个时候需要cache当前valid的数据,因为iterator是只能往前走。。。


Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. 只能往前走,不能回头,这是思考iterator的关键! 常见trick;next要return什么,把iterator put one step ahead!

Interface Iterator<E> {
    boolean hasNext();  //check if we still have some elements in collection, don't proceed if empty
    E next();           //proceed to next and return
    void remove();      //remove current element, usually you don't need to implement this

Another implementation

    boolean moveNext(); //proceed to next position
    E current();  //return element at current position

Flexible for what ?

  1. provide a view not a copy, not changing internal data structure.

  2. different traversing algorithm can be done on same collection through implementing different iterators without changing internal data structure.

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