Tree Property


  • balanced: clarify left height / right height. but left size - right size.
  • completed: all nodes are full and leaf nodes are as left as possible.
  • full
  • depth
  • height


Validate a BST

Solution I : carry subtree min-max range.
  1. trapI: root.val >= max || root.val <= min, return false;

. no dup value allowed.

  1. trapII: overflow, 初始值的选择。
    1. Method 1: use Long.MAX_VALUE instead of Integer.MAX_VALUE
    2. Method 2: use null to initialize. 因为leetcode有一个比较无语的testcase...
Solution II : run inorder traversal and test if it's sorted.

Recover BST (two nodes swap by mistake)

Determine if a tree is perfect tree

Definition of perfect tree

  • height of tree is k,
  • all nodes have both left child and right child,
  • count # of nodes : 2 ^ k.
Variant: count largest perfect tree in tree.
  • [isPerfect, h]
  • if left.isPerfect && right.isPerfect && l.h == r.h we could merge this two info into -> l.h = r.h

what we really care is only height of left subtree and right subtree

Complete Tree

Relationship with Perfect Tree(Full tree).

Observe from height property.

  1. left height == right height || left height == right height + 1.
  2. if height is equals:
    1. left is perfect, right is perfect
    2. left is perfect, right is complete
  1. if height is not equal, left + 1 = right
    1. left is complete, right is complete.
Variant : count # of nodes in complete tree.

utilize complete tree property. assume left subtree height is lh, right subtree height is rh case (lh == rh) => left subtree is perfect case (lh == rh + 1) => right subtree is perfect

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