Sequence Iterator

Flatten Iterator -> flatten a iterator of iterator

{1,2,3}, {}, {4}, {}, {5,6}} -> {1,2,3,4,5,6}

 p1       p2  p3  p4  p5
public SequenceIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
     Iterator<Integer> inner ;
     Iterator<Iterator<Integer>> out;
     public SequenceIterator(Iterator<Iterator<Iterator>> out) {
         //change this line to null
         this.inner = null;
         this.out = out;
     public boolean hasNext() {
         //point to next out ptr.
         while(inner == null || !inner.hasNext() && it.hasNext()) {
             inner =;
         return inner != null && inner.hasNext();
     public Integer next() {
         //first call hasNext()
         if (!hasNext()) {
             throw new NoSuchElementException();
     public void remove() {
         throw UnSupportedOperationException();

Even Iterator

public class EvenIterator {
      Iterator<Integer> it;
      boolean moved; 
      public EvenIterator(Iterator<Integer> iter) {
   = iter;
            this.moved = false;
      public boolean hasNext() {
          if (!moved) {
              return it.hasNext();
          moved = true;
          if (it.hasNext()) {
                it =;
          return it.hasNext();
      public Integer next() {
          if (hasNext()) {
              moved = false;
          return null;

Index Even iterator

when next(). go two steps instead of one.

{1,2,3,4,5} -> {1,3,5}

Solution 1: keep index counter.

Solution 2: keep boolean indicator.

public class EvenIterator {
    Iterator<Integer> it = null;
    boolean isMoved = false;
    public EvenIterator(Iterator<Integer> it) {    
        it = iter;
    public boolean hasNext() {
        if(isMoved) {
            return it.hasNext();
        isMoved = true;
        if(it.hasNext()) {
        return it.hasNext();
    public Integer next() {
        if(hasNext()) {
            isMoved = false;
        return null;

Element Even Iterator

only return element with even.

    Integer next() : return current element if exist
    boolean hasNext() : proceed to next odd position
public class EvenElementIterator {
        int even;
        Iterator<Integer> it;
        public EvenElementIterator(Iterator<Integer> it) {
            this.even = 1;
   = it;
        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (even % 2 == 0) {
                return true;
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                even =;
                if (even % 2 == 0) {
                    return true;
            return true;
        public Integer next() {
            if (hasNext()) {
                int temp = even;
                //this line is important
                even = 1;
                return temp;
            throw NoSuchElementException();

ZigZag Iterator

Two iterator list
public class ZigZagTwo {
    List<Iterator<Integer>> iters;
    boolean atZero = true;
    public ZigZagTwo(List<Iterator<Integer>> iters) {
        this.atZero = true;
        this.iters = iters;
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return iters.get(0) != null && iters.get(0).hasNext() ||iters.get(1) != null && iters.get(1).hasNext();
    public Integer next() {
        if(hasNext()) {
            int ret = -1;
            if (atZero) {
                ret = iters.get(0).hasNext() ? iters.get(0).next() : iters.get(1).next();
                atZero = false;
            } else {
                ret = iters.get(1).hasNext() ? iters.get(1).next() : iters.get(0).next();
                atZero = true;
            return ret;
        throw NoSuchElementException();
ZigZag K

instead of maintaining a boolean value to indicate at one or two, we need an index to indicate cur index and somehow record whether we reach an end.

Implementation 1 : solution in docs
public class ZigZagK {
    List<Iterator<Integer>> iters;
    int index;                //next position we are reaching 
    int lastIndex;           //searching area just optimization
    int lastAvaiIndex;
    Iterator<Integer> cur;  //element we are at now
    public ZigZagK (List<Iterator<Integer>> iters) {
        cur = null;
        this.index = 0;
        this.lastIndex = iters.size() - 1;
        this.lastAvaiIndex = -1;
    public boolean hasNext() {
           while(cur == null || !cur.hasNext() && index <= lastIndex) {
               cur = iters.get(index);
               if (cur != null && cur.hasNext()) {
                   lastAvaiIndex = index;
               if(index == lastIndex + 1) {
                   index = 0;
                   lastIndex  = lastAvaiIndex;
                   lastAvaiIndex = -1; 
           return cur != null && cur.hasNext();
    public Integer next() {
            if (hasNext()) {
                int ret =;
                cur = null;
                return ret;
            throw NoSuchElementException();

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    No results matching ""