Interval Questions
how to merge intervals without any intersections?
Analysis :
what is no intersection?
if(prev.end < cur.start (be careful about equal sign)) {
} else {
could merge to smallest start and largest end.
[1,2], [0,3], [2,5], [6,7] -> [0,5] [6,7]
[0,3] [2,5] ->[0,5] [6,7]
Insert interval
the whole interval will not be in result
- left side of interval.start
- right side of interval.end
[0,2] [3,5] [6,7] + [1,4] -> [0,5] [6,7]
sorted by start index.
Way of Thinking I:
prev,next. two by two. one pass
if insert.start < p1.end, insert.end > p2.start
could be merge from [p1,insert,p2]
new_start is min of (p1.start, p2.start, insert.start).
new_end is max of (p1.end, p2.end, insert.end).
prev = cur, cur = next;
Way of Thinking II:
substraction, two pass.
[0,2] [2,5] [6,7] -> merge [0,5] [6,7]
Determine if a target point is covered by a list of intervals(not intersect), sorted by start.
[0,2] [4,6] [7,10] list is sorted by start
is 1 covered ? 3 covered?
Main Idea:
if an interval is at left side of interval, or right side of interval,can't be covered
find interval.start <= target && interval.end >= target
-> must be same interval
public boolean covered (List<Interval> intervals, int target){
// do sanity check here
int left = 0, right = interval.size() - 1;
while (left + 1 < right) {
int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
Interval inter = intervals.get(mid);
if (inter.start >= target) {
right = mid;
} else {
left = mid;
Interval li = intervals.get(left), ri = intervals.get(right);
if(ri.start <= target && ri.end >= target) {
return true;
return li.start <= target && li.end >= target;
Determine if a interval is covered \/ intersected with a list of intervals.
interval list is sorted.
1.1 prerequisite: disjoint intervals
Method 1:
-> considering all cases satisfying requirements:
case 1 : covered -> any.start <= cur.start && cur.end <= any.end
case 2: intersected:
starting point at intervals : any.start <= cur.start <= any.end
ending point at intervals : any.start <= cur.end <= any.end.
Method 2:
How to divide and conquer?
Considering starting point:
cur.start <= target.start, if cur.end >= target.start, we are done.
cur.start > target.start, if cur.start <= target.end, we are done.
else we can't find one.
1.2 intervals may have overlaps
[0,2] [4,12] [8,10] [12,14]
is 11 covered?
Solution 1: merge list to disjoint intervals, do binary search.
Time: O(n + log n)
Solution 2: if can't merge, must query on original interval list.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
| | | |
Given login interval and current timestamp, track online users amount.
<start_timestamp, end_timestamp>, track all numbers of users logged in.
[0,5] [2,4] [3,7]
0 2 3 4 5 7
1 2 3 2 1 0
Sweep Line algorithm
int count (List<Interval> ls, Interval query) {
int start = query.start;
int end = query.end;
Collections.sort(ls, new Comparator<Interval>({
public int compare(Interval i1, Interval i2) {
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ls.size(); i++) {
Interval cur = ls.get(i);
if (cur.start >= start) {
if (cur.end >= end) {
return count;
Given a list of flight schedules indicating arrival, departure time, calculate most planes in the sky at any given time?
Solution 1: based on time range.
Way of thinking:
1) identify time range <start, end>
2) at each time, count how many planes, record globalMax.
Time Complexity: O(range * #schedule).
range is large, but schedule is sparse.
Solution 2 : mark time interval boolean value.
[1,4] [2,3]
s e s e
1 2 3 4
s s e e
1 2 1 0
if flight is very tight, 很密集,range又很小,这个算法不太好.
Solution 3 : based on each flight
for each flight, find how many flights any.start >= cur.start && any.end >= cur.end.