
不管题目多简单,也一定要step by step. 思维不要偷懒。

- Sum Root to Leaf Numbers(hehehe)

How to describe a code?

  1. start from function signature.

    input, return type, variable relationship

  2. Two timestamp
    1. before entering function;
    2. after finishing function;

How to descirbe a relatively complex problem ?

  • 举个栗子

Implementation Level

  • 写Code不要一上来就追求简洁(比如少用variable),应该保证先把所有信息都传递了,可以写完优化,但是过多考虑这些细节可能会影响思路,即便是在简单的题。(post+in reconstruction).

Class Design

  • declare function signature
  • make your assumption

results matching ""

    No results matching ""