Way of thinking
window by window 1) 区间对应区间 2) 进出区间的时候,应该做的一些操作
Flatten Binary Tree to LinkedList
For each root node :
Step 1: flatten left subtree to a linkedlist. get head,tail of transformed linkedlist.
Step 2: flatten right subtree to a linkedlist, get head, tail of transformed linkedlist.
Step 3 : = leftList.head; leftList.tail = rightList.head;
Step 4: root is new head of list, and right.tail is tail of return list.
Base case: (分析错了).
only one node, return itself as head and tail.
public void flatten (TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return root;
//return type: [head, tail]
//invariant : linkedlist constructed from tree rooted at root
TreeNode[] helper (TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return new TreeNode[2];
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
return new TreeNode[]{root,root};
TreeNode[] leftList = helper(root.left);
TreeNode[] rightList = helper(root.right);
//forgot at first
root.left = null;
//case 1 : left is null
if (leftList[0] == null) {
root.right = rightList[0];
return new TreeNode[]{root,rightList[1]};
//case 2 : left is not null
else {
root.right = leftList[0];
leftList[1].right = rightList[0];
//forgot at first.
if (rightList[0] == null) {
return new TreeNode[] {root,leftList[1]};
return new TreeNode[] {root, rightList[1]};
Convert Tree to Circular linkedlist
assume we have utility function
a) join() - connect two list nodes
b) append() - append two lists
public void join(Node a, Node b) {
a.right = b;
b.left = a;
Node append(Node a, Node b) {
if (a == null) {
return b;
if (b == null) {
return a;
Node aLast = a.left;
Node bLast = b.left;
Divide and conquer. 1) Convert left subtree to circular linkedlist , return left root. 2) Convert right subtree to circular linkedlist, return right root.